Are you ready to feel GOOD?

But not ready to join a group?

I get it!

That's why the


is here for YOU.

A simple step-by-step system,

dripped out over 12 weeks

to help you create the change you're looking for.

No Group.

No pressure.


You've dabbled with every diet and weight-loss supplement that's been advertised to you...

Signed up for countless workouts promising to melt fat, barely making it through the first week...

Only to still have your waistband cutting you in half each day.

And to make matters worse, you just PAID a doctor to tell you your results are higher than optimal, your weight is not helping your health.

DUH! You know weight is a thing, but it's a thing you haven't been able to figure out in the pockets of time that are left for you after being a high-achieving wife, mom, and employee (just to name a few of your jobs).

FINALLY, Here's the owner's manual of YOU!

You don't have to punish yourself to improve your health.

It doesn't take a secret code that only a few have.

Your body will tell you what to do...I'm going to show you how to listen.

It's as simple as getting curious, knowing what you want,

and taking consistent action.

Then, habit change happens, and you start to recognize

the signs that adjustments are needed.

That's it.

NOTE: If consistency on your own is going to be a 'thing' consider the Consistency Collective where you get the Balanced Body Breakthrough as a gift WITH the accountability for consistency.

You're READY for a lifestyle change!

Inside the Balanced Body Breakthrough you'll:

  • Learn simple actions that are easy to stick to, NOT extreme.
  • Find the surprising truth about cravings and be able to stop drowning your frustrations in a box of cookies.
  • Gain strategies to shut down the devil on your shoulder that tells you to overeat.
  • NOT have to eat foods you hate!
  • Listen to what your body wants to eat, when to eat, and shut down the blood-sugar roller coaster that leaves you grouchy and craving junk.
  • Know how to keep your blood-sugar balanced so you have consistent energy and you can make healthy dinner choices.
  • Start living a life you're proud of instead of hiding the results of your bad habits under baggy clothes.

Lifetime Access with EASY actions

dripped out over 12 weeks.

Get ready to:


Connect the dots

between who you are

and who you want to be.


Decipher your body's

natural signals and needs.


Create your personal

blueprint for optimal

health and happiness.


Set your personal goals and

work towards

sustainable change.

Gain the skills that let you look foward to the next 40 years.

This is not a DIET!

It's not a workout plan!

You've started and quit those countless times.

I've been there myself, looking for the next diet of the month.

Knowing that if I could just reach my desired weight, I'd be happy...Life would be perfect...And I'd be free of health issues, aka.healthy.

But sadly, none of that is true.

Losing weight does not guarantee happiness or health.

You deserve a program that focuses on your health.

The whole gamut of your health.

Not just the numbers on the scale,

but your inner and outer health combined.

Let's craft your best plan so that you have success in a way that you want to live.

No more yo-yo results, you're after lasting results!

NOTE: If consistency on your own is going to be a 'thing' consider the Consistency Collective where you get the Balanced Body Breakthrough as a gift WITH the accountability for consistency.

The "drip" content delivery system is designed

with your success in mind.

Goodbye overwhelm, you'll focuse on one action per week.

See improvement by mastering the implementation.

Build healthy habits slowly and steadily for RESULTS.

MAGIC comes from the Power of ONE!

Your Day ONE can be today....

Balanced Body Breakthrough framework...

I think of this 5 pillar SYSTEM as a table.

The legs are:.


Pillar ONE: FOOD PLAN - Developing a nutrition plan that you'll follow. It must address food, timing and mindset.


Pillar TWO: MOVEMENT PLAN - Developing a reliable plan to generate body movement each day.


Pillar THREE: STRESS & SLEEP - Reduce cortisol by improving sleep and having an active process for stress relief.


Pillar FOUR: INSULIN RESISTANCE - When to eat deserves as much attention as what to eat.


and last but not least...

The table top covers Pillars One-Four, but is also an area of its own to improve:


Pillar FIVE: MINDSET - You have to get your head straight before you can get anything else straight.

Want Support but Groups aren't your thing?

If the idea of confessing your goals (and maybe a few sins) in front of a group makes you break out in a cold sweat, I get it. No pressure...some of us just prefer the one-to-one vibe.

GOOD NEWS, I've got you covered with private coaching options that skip the group circle. Ready to dive in solo? Check out these one-to-one options to supersize your success with the Balanced Body Breakthrough...

I believe that “how you do one thing is how you do everything.” For example, in my life, when I was overwhelmed with a crazy schedule, I was also overwhelmed with crazy cravings. One area in your life always impacts another area in your life.

You think your cravings are only affecting your waistline.

What if your approach to food is showing up in every area of your life?

When you cure your cravings, the positive impact ripples throughout your life.

​I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means looking at how all areas of your life are connected.

But looking at them isn’t enough.

We must examine and align our inner desires with our outer actions.

Consider me your "Go-To" accountability partner, friend, & support system on this journey. You'll be able to reply to any email I send you with your questions and I will personally get back to you in a reasonable amount of time.

Together, you'll reach your health and weight goals without missing out on the fun parts of life.​

Hey there, I’m Kristin!

It was after a medication reaction that I had "a come to Jesus". I had spent over 30 years of my life on one diet or another. I’d tried all the shakes, pills and potions that promised weight loss. With ​NO lasting success. I was overly critical of my body and felt like the perfect figure would make me happy, but somehow it never did. It was when I realized prescription medication was not an option for me that I knew I had to be healthier.

My focus needed to change from weight loss to being my healthiest. My new goal was to be healthy and the kind of person that liked the person in the mirror, regardless of what the scale said. It's these pieces that I share in my signature system, Balanced Body Breakthrough, that made a difference in my life.

I would love for you to one day look back...and say that being a part of this program helped you find what works for your life for you to be in your best health. I'm ready to share what I've learned with you, so you can be your healthiest self and have weight loss as a happy side effect.

© 2023 Kristin W Wellness

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