2 Proven Ways to Tackle the Calorie Conundrum for Better Health

Written By Kristin Wood

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The Evolution of Food: From Whole to Chemical

If you're tired of feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel when it comes to your health journey, then you’re in the right place. It’s time to get out of the calorie counting trap and uncover the shocking truth that those numbers don’t tell you.

I see you, scanning the aisles of your favorite grocery store, diligently checking nutrition labels like a detective on a mission. You zero in on those calorie counts, thinking they hold all the answers to your health woes. But here's the harsh truth: they're not the magic solution we've been led to believe.

You won’t find your solution in math.

Chemistry is where the focus needs to be.

Calories vs. ATP: The Real Energy Currency

Let’s break this down in a way you can visualize. Calories, as we've been taught to understand them, are like IOUs for energy, promising us a return on our investment with every bite we take. But here's where things get interesting: your body's ultimate payday comes in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the Boss of energy currencies. It's the golden nugget powering everything from your heartbeats to your brain's epic brainstorming sessions.

The calorie content on the package is only “potential energy”. It's through cellular metabolism that the fats, proteins, and sugars we eat are used to create ATP. ATP is the real energy currency.

But the plot thickens due to our mitochondria powerhouses. Because of lifestyle and food choices some of us (most of us) are stuck in an energy crisis of epic proportions, known as mitochondrial dysfunction. The bottom line of this is that your potential energy is miles away from the actual energy your body is able to create.

This wreaks havoc on everything from your immune system to your brainpower faster than you can say "Extra cheese, please."

From Overfed to Undernourished: The Impact of Mitochondrial Dysfunction

In case you didn’t read the good news in that section, I’ll repeat it…

The key to unlocking boundless energy isn't found in calorie counting—it's in your lifestyle and food choices.

With food choices like ditching toxic culprits like seed oils and chemical-laden products and embracing a lifestyle that nurtures those powerhouse mitochondria, you're setting yourself up for a serious energy upgrade.

Let me take you on a trip down memory lane, so you can see for yourself how we’ve changed with our modern-day food relationship. One day I found myself indulging in a nostalgic binge-watch of old episodes of "The Price is Right," something struck me like a bolt of lightning.

In those early '70s episodes, the audience seemed vastly different from what you see when looking at a group of people today. It was filled with people of healthy BMI ranges, minimal tummy rolls, and typically just one chin per person. It was clear to me that something had shifted over the years. To satisfy my curiosity I had to watch a 2024 episode.

The body composition of today’s audience is staggeringly different.

The Price of Progress: From Health to Obesity

What’s changed?

Our food and lifestyle choices have evolved over the decades, and not necessarily for the better. Processed foods and sugary drinks have become increasingly prevalent, contributing to the rise in obesity and chronic health issues.

Food and prescription drugs are big business and the folks pulling the strings behind the scenes—the ones dictating our food and drug requirements—are more concerned with their bottom line than our well-being. If their profits happen to come at the expense of our health, well, that's a risk they're willing to take.

Let's talk about a little something I like to call the prescription drug merry-go-round—a ride nobody asked to be on, yet here we are, spinning in circles while Big Pharma cashes in on our health woes.

Have you ever noticed how pharmaceutical companies are quick to offer up a solution for every problem under the sun, but are these drugs addressing the root cause of our health issues?

Got high cholesterol? No worries, we've got a pill for that.

Trouble sleeping? Pop this little magic pill and drift off into dreamland.

But here's where things get really interesting: now, they're even prescribing drugs to improve the effectiveness of other drugs. Talk about a tangled web we're weaving.

It's a game of pharmaceutical dominoes, where one drug knocks down the side effects of another, which in turn creates a whole new set of problems to deal with, allowing an opening to prescribe yet another pill. While these drugs may offer temporary relief, they're not addressing the root cause of our health issues.

They're just masking the symptoms while lining the pockets of those at the top.

Processed Foods and Chronic Diseases: Connecting the Dots

So what's the solution? It starts with taking a step back and questioning the status quo. The math ratio of calories in-to calories out is obviously not working.

It's time to break free from the prescription drug merry-go-round and take control of our health like never before. This involves chemistry. Helping our mitochondria generate ATP efficiently and getting out of an energy crisis where we’re overfed and undernourished.

Being energy-poor is more than needing a snack or an afternoon nap. It’s lacking the energy to fight off disease and for neurons to respond correctly.

Mitochondrial dysfunction looks like you sitting on a pile of checks (aka food), but your bank account (mitochondria) is on the fritz, refusing to cash those delicious checks and leaving you high and dry. It’s not the calorie in or the calorie out concept that’s going to fix this.

By focusing on chemistry and understanding how our bodies process fuel, we can take control of our health like never before, and regardless of where you are, it's not too late to start!

You see your body's got some serious renovation plans in the works and you have the power to make this reno work for you or against you. Your body generates new cells daily. New stomach cells every week. New skin cells every month. New red blood cells every quarter.

Looking at your life from the perspective of cell turnover, you're a rebuilt person every 7 years. But you’ve gotta ditch the tired old narrative that weight loss is as simple as "eat less, move more." It’s a lie that’s left you frustrated, confused, and ultimately stuck in a never-ending loop.

The truth is everything boils down to chemistry. Chemistry of how your body is processing the fuel you’re giving it…and the chemistry of what’s been done to what you’re assuming is food.

Navigating the Pharmaceutical Maze: Finding Solutions Beyond Pills

The first of these is something that I address in my the Plan.Simplified Handbook.

The plan is a 20-day program to reduce inflammation and identify what foods you’re eating that are creating inflammation in your body. At the core, weight is simply a reflection of a chemical reaction to the foods you eat.

I’ve simplified the whole process for you by not only giving you the meals for 20 days with recipes but also a weekly grocery list and prep plan to save you hours over the plan's 3 weeks.

You’ve heard it before…you don’t know what you don’t know.

The Plan.Simplified lets you quickly see what isn’t working for you and gives you the experience of what it is like to feel better. From there you decide if you want to go back to feeling sluggish and heavy or keep going and and seeing how good you’ll allow yourself to feel.

Get your copy here…

The Hidden Costs of Convenience: Processed Foods and Health

But it's not just about what's happening inside your body—the second part of chemistry is about what's happening to the so-called "food" you're consuming. Let’s go back to the question of what’s changed since the 70’s?

Let’s take a look at the not-so-glamorous side of our modern diet—the world of chemically processed foods. You know, those convenient packaged snacks and meals that promise to save us time, satisfy our cravings, and are often labeled in ways to make us think they’re good for us.

Behind the flashy packaging and catchy slogans lies a dark truth: these foods are often loaded with artificial additives, preservatives, and flavor enhancers that wreak havoc on our bodies. From MSG to high-fructose corn syrup, these chemical concoctions are like a toxic cocktail for our health that shows up as the root problem of mitochondrial dysfunction.

While these processed foods may offer instant gratification, they're doing serious damage to our long-term health. Studies have linked them to a host of health issues, from obesity and diabetes to heart disease and cancer.

Change comes from taking a closer look at what you're putting into your body. Are you starting with nourishing whole foods that support our health and vitality, or are you falling victim to the allure of convenience and sacrificing your well-being in the process?

From Calorie Counting to Cellular Chemistry: Transforming Your Health Journey

The choice is yours and happens one bite at a time. You hold control of your well-being and health and a starting point is transitioning to a whole-food diet and/or pinpointing what is creating inflammation in your body.

Now that you're armed with knowledge, it's time to put it into action. Whether it's making small changes to your diet by transitioning from processed foods to whole foods or diving headfirst into a comprehensive wellness program like the Plan.Simplified and pinpointing foods that create inflammation in your body. Your body deserves it, and so do you.

I'm here to support you every step of the way. From free resources to consistency coaching support that goes hand in hand with the Plan.Simplified with one-to-one guidance. I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals and live your best life.

Change comes from taking a closer look at what you're putting into your body. Are you starting with nourishing whole foods that support our health and vitality, or are you falling victim to the allure of convenience and sacrificing your well-being in the process?

Kristin Wood

Balanced Body Guide

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